Our application was accepted! Now we have to sign a contract and fork over 2-3 months rent as a deposit. Apparently the Swiss aren't very trustworthy when it comes to rentals. Yeesh. Below are some pictures put up by the rental agency. We'll add more photos once we take over on the 27th. Yay us!
Basically two bedrooms and two living rooms. We're thinking of converting the living room on the left into a guest "suite" to entice people to come visit! :)Building Front
Built in 1895. Last renovated in 2004.We're the level right above the Jewelry Store.Kitchen
Notice the low ceilings. It's gonna be cozy!Living Room Area
Anyone have decorating ideas for low ceilings?Outside Area!
Might be a few months before we use that. Today's high 32F.It also comes with its own washer/dryer! It's tiny but it's ours! We actually looked at one apartment that offered a communal washer that we would be allowed to use once every 14 days and no dryer. These people are crazy! :)
We're going to be in an area called Uster (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uster). It's got its own lake and is about a 15/20 minute train ride from my office. We'll be within walking distance of the train station and the Australian bar! Sweet.
Yeah!!! We are so excited! Just be sure to take proper measurements before you head to IKEA. So glad it worked out!