Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Unexpected Cultural Training!

I haven't even started traveling and I'm already getting all kinds of culturally educated.

With me in NYC this week, we have the following cast of characters:
Chun - Born in Taiwan, raised in New Zealand, been working in Tokyo for the last five years
Eoin (pronounced Owen) - Ireland born & raised
Leonie - Amsterdam born & raised

Apparently, Americans eat LARGE portions of food. Both days at lunch, they've remarked about how much food they were served. Yesterday, we went to an Irish bar. I went with a hamburger and a side of fruit (instead of fries - apparently I'm now sensitive to cross contamination - we can discuss that another day). I can't imagine what they would have said if the giant burger had arrived with fries. As it was, they all ordered salads!

Today, we had a short geography lesson where I drew a map of the US and indicated the locations of NYC and Charlotte. (I won't be winning any prizes for my US map, that's for sure).

I learned that everyone in Amsterdam rides bikes everywhere. Leonie found out that is not the case in NYC when she rode her bike to work (42nd & Madison) from the Chelsea area yesterday (without a helmet, I might add). Today, she attempted the subway somewhat successfully. She rode the subway for two blocks and then walked eight. :) Third time is the charm!

Other notes - two days without a calculator - fabulous!!!

On tap for tomorrow - we meet someone who has been described as "loving the code!" - I'm scared.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I'm jealous - I love foreigners!! Yes, lots of bikes in Amsterdam, and canals, and clogs and red lights and tulips and other organic plants.. To give your friend credit, the first time I walked into Grand Central Station, I freaked out.
